Denim Douche: As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together.

Friday, May 8, 2009

As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together.

Familiar title, isn't it? Yep, it's "Graduation Song" by Vitamin C. No, I didn't have to look that up. Marvel in my endless supply of useless knowledge. Marvel hard. Indeed, I graduate from college on Sunday, and upon walking across that stage, it's the end of an era for me. "End of an era" moments need to be chronicled. They just do. Yeah, I have to take a 3 week summer class starting Monday, so I'm technically not done, but I feel done. I'm surrounded by people who are done. My family is taking me out to brunch on Sunday. That's right, I said it: Brunch. You can tell things are getting serious now.

For as long as I can remember, every year has worked the same. You start school in August or September, and you end school in May or June, depending on whether we're talking about high school or college. You enjoy a summer off, save up some cash for the next year, and start all over. BAM! Cycle over. It's work time. It's career o'clock. Never again will I be able to start my day at 11 am or wear sweatpants all day. Never again will I be able to take days off just because I feel like it. Because now, someone will be depending on me. That sounds a little scary, doesn't it?

It's a pretty big turning point, and that's why I feel the need to be somewhat solemn today in writing this. I still feel like a kid; I laugh at the same jokes I did five years ago, I eat at all the same restaurants, and I still get drunk and act silly, but now I'm stepping into grown-up land. How different will things be? How different will I have to be? Why do I have to move back in with my mom? Is there no God?

College is a means to an end. Now that I'm at the end, I long for the means. I will not quote that bullshit "I love College" song because it sucks, and it's a sad pile of self-glorification that comes off as a skinny Jewish kid making a song full of raging party experiences so that he looks cooler than he really is. But what's not to like about a bustling metropolis full of your peers, every one of them looking to get A. educated, and B. drunk, not necessarily in that order? But hey; it's my nostalgic nature. I felt the same way leaving high school.

So here I am, my 17 years of education at its end (not counting Pre-school, although I did learn some good fingerpainting fundamentals there). I don't often get down with my touchy-feely side, so go ahead, call me a pussy. But I'm sure you're feeling the same way. Cheers, UConn, it's been real. Oh, and fellow grads, stay in touch. It's called networking now.

And in regards to the title: come on, man. You didn't think I was that lame, did you? It's a joke! Lighten up!


Jeff Mishley said...

solid post, remember when we met at orientation HAH whatt

earlymonk said...
