Denim Douche: The RIAA is evil

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The RIAA is evil

Take a look at this.

It's a CNN article about a 32 year old mother who was taken to court by the RIAA. The court ordered her to pay 1.9 million dollars as punishment for the 24 songs she illegally downloaded.

Holy fucking shit. 24 songs, 1.9 MILLION dollars? There's a quote at the end from an RIAA spokesperson who's all chipper and pleased with the outcome. What the fuck ever happened to "may the punishment fit the crime?" How in the hell are the RIAA lawyers so good they convinced everyone that the cost of illegally downloading one song is eighty-fucking-thousand dollars? This shit is out of hand.

At the same time, Donte Stallworth, a wide receiver for the Cleveland Browns (former Patriot, but he sucked and was upstaged by Wes Welker) just received a thirty day jail sentence for a crime he recently committed. Ah, a month in jail; that's nothing. He must not have done much of anything. Ha. Or so you think. He drove drunk and killed a pedestrian. Now, that's the result from criminal court, I'm sure he'll be handing a nice chunk of change over to the victim's family in the end, but this to me is troubling.

A run-of-the-mill everyday woman downloads 24 songs and she now owes the RIAA more than a lot of people make in a lifetime. A pro football player gets hammered and ends a person's life, and we're talking about when he can play football again. What the fuck? The point really isn't to bitch about Stallworth's case, just show the juxtaposition between the two cases for shock/comedic value.

There really isn't much more to say...the inner anger you're rightly feeling should suffice. Let's go to the RIAA headquarters and burn that mother down. Stealing music is wrong, but so is extorting millions of dollars from laymen for 24 dollars worth of music. If a song is worth $80,000, then call me Bill fucking Gates' daddy. 3,401 songs on my iTunes at 80k a pop comes to $272,080,000. Who knew I was sitting on such a fucking cash cow? That's it, I'm taking early retirement. See y'all in the Hamptons.

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