Denim Douche: Uggztravaganza

Monday, November 24, 2008


Why is it that every girl in America wears or wants Uggz? This is yet another phenomenon in contemporary society that I just don't understand. It seems so against everything I understand about fashion that the whole of young females want to look like stocky Inuit women.

One funny thing about Uggz is even though every girl in America has them, every girl in America also makes fun of other people wearing them. If they wear them under their jeans, they're probably whores. If they wear them over their jeans, they're idiots. If they wear them too early or late in the season, they should have a government-subsidized hysterectomy. And how dare they wear them with a North Face. Everybody does that. You, with your EMS fleece, are much more independent.

Somehow, that entire previous paragraph had a distinct Mean Girls feel to it. But I've never seen that movie. Never.

When you ask a girl why she wears Uggz just like everybody else, they say that it has nothing to do with them being's because they're comfortable. Maybe true, but they were just as comfortable before 50% of the population went and got themselves a pair. Hell, I'm sure it'd be comfortable to shove your feet into 2 bags of cotton balls and walk around in those all day. But that doesn't cost 100 dollars and it's not cool (yet...)

You see, as a general rule, I like to blatantly avoid what the masses do. Because the majority of America is stupid, I find it quite convenient to wait and see what the majority of America does, and then not do that thing. I find it saves me lots of aggravation in the future. Ladies, I think you will find that it is quite rewarding to be so discerning.

I have a theory that people will literally buy ANYTHING if it's perceived to be cool. I mean, the Pet Rock? Say no more. Uggz may be more practical, but the same basic theory is at play here. I only wish I knew how to get the ball rolling on an avalanche-like idea such as Uggz. Once the perception is out, it's only a matter of time before the lemmings do the rest of the work for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with 2 bags of cotton balls.

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