Denim Douche: American Idol... Just who are we Idolizing, Anyway?????

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Idol... Just who are we Idolizing, Anyway?????

Hey Brothers and Sisters!! What a great day! The sun is shining and I praise the Lord for this glorious weather! Furthermore, I'm in good health...WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR!??

So I was flipping around the channels on the T.V. last night looking for "700 Club" when I saw that rambunctious show, American Idol! I must admit that I succumbed to the temptation and decided to give it a chance, even though my mother had strictly forbidden me from watching secular television. WHOA! What I saw was just appalling! I need to go on a little "rant" here about this so called television program!

For J.C. aka The Man Upstairs (LOL) text "Hallelujah" to 1-800-HEAVEN! HAHA!

Let's start with the name. Uh, hello??? Haven't you ever heard of the TEN COMMANDMENTS??! "Thou Shalt Not Worship False Idols??" What the heck are these people thinking, anyway! There's only one true American Idol, and that's Jesus. Amen. Anywho, these people get up on stage and waste their time singing about sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and not once do they glorify Him through song. TIME OUT!!!

What a bunch of poppycock! Where's the REAL music? Where's "Our God is an Awesome God?" At least Carrie Underwood sang "Jesus Take the Wheel" before she fell to the temptation of Satan and put out "Before he Cheats." Come on Carrie, haven't you ever heard of TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK!! Don't you know that Wrath is one of the seven deadly sins? LOL! Sounds like Jesus really does need to take the wheel before old Carrie here crashes into the median of premarital sex, or even worse, the Cocaine!!

If you ask me, this little "show" is a real waste of time, glorifying false idols, and simply being overly prideful. Where's the modesty? Where's the humility? And why even bother to text in your vote, when Jesus picks the winner anyway? Pah, cell phones. Jesus has the best coverage...his reception is always clear, and he will always call you back! And you don't even have to worry about that darn antennae snapping off, LOL! Hey Jesus, can you hear me now? Good! Hahahaha!! (That's a commercial... for Verizon.)

Anyway, I gotta make my Exodus outta here (LOL) but I just wanted to close with a prayer. Read aloud with me now.

"Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."

Now that's something even SIMON would appreciate, LOL!!

See you next time for more contemporary Christian chat! Stay cool, and stay pious!

-Radical Razzin' Reverend Ryan

1 comment:

earlymonk said...

you forgot to mention that you are a certified reverand... Ha, I cant wait to see the mix of ads you get know...BULIMIC? ANOREXIC? NEED A LAWYER? JUST CALL 1-800-JESUS-SAVES