Denim Douche: The Demise of Hockey

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Demise of Hockey

Before I get started on the actual subject of this post, I feel I must show you this picture.

What the fuck? I already hated this guy enough, but then I came across that picture on ESPN. Yeah, Lil' Wayne writes a blog on ESPN. knock yourself out. I wonder if he actually WRITES something and ESPN has 40 or 50 copy editors working full-time to decipher his weed-addled, incoherent scribblings. The other alternative, of course, is that he just speaks his thoughts into a tape recorder, and 40 or 50 government forensic speech pathologists work full-time to decipher his weed-addled, incoherent blather. I don't think I've ever wanted to see someone fall from grace as badly as Lil' Wayne. I fall asleep every night praying to Jesus that next week I'll see him selling hot dogs and Snapple on a street corner somewhere. I wouldn't even buy from him, either, because I'd want him to fail at that, too. I can dream, can't I? Lil' Wayne can lick my ass. Like a lollipop. (OH, SNAP!)

I really could never say enough to fully express my disdain for the aforementioned douchebag of the above paragraph, so I'll just scream into a pillow for 10 or 15 minutes and we'll move on.

So I was watching SportsCenter yesterday (nice segue, huh? Ya know, ESPN!?) from the beginning. I watched the NBA playoff highlights of the Bulls-Celtics game, and the Mavs-Spurs game. Commercial. Okay, so when the show comes back I'll check out what happened in the playoff hockey games and then I'll head to campus. It comes back; baseball highlights. NFL draft talk. Heated debate about whether Tiger Woods has an innie or an outie. Okay, not that. It was THIRTY MINUTES into the show before they got to the hockey highlights. What?

Now, I'm really not a hockey fan. At all. There are probably a dozen or so NHL teams on which I wouldn't be able to name one player. But I at least like to follow what's happening in the playoffs; this is my chance to hop on the bandwagon and be a fairweather Rangers fan, in a most despicable and dastardly maneuver. Hockey is a great sport; it's different than the other 3 major sports, and I think it's cool that it has a sort of cult appeal. I'd really like to go to a game because I think it would be a hell of a good time and hockey fans are crazy. Plus, I hear it's easier to follow the puck in person than on TV.

So what the hell happened? When the Masters happened a few weeks back, SportsCenter would lead off with golf highlights. When Wimbledon or another major tennis tournament is going on, it's not uncommon to see them lead with tennis highlights. Is hockey that insignificant these days? I know it's rare to see hockey games on major networks, and you basically have to have some sort of regional sports network like NESN or MSG to catch whatever team you follow (or Versus...whatever the fuck that is)... when did all this happen? Did Gretzky take all the ratings with him?

I have no problem with the NBA playoffs being the lead story; it's a more popular sport. But shit, what a slap in the face to hockey that the 14th or whatever baseball game of the season between the Marlins and Pirates takes precedence over the Stanley Cup playoffs. It's a sad state of affairs for hockey when they get treated like a women's sport. In fact, I'll bet for damn sure the women's basketball tournament highlights made it into SC earlier than these hockey highlights did.

Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe it's not as bad as it seems and I'm taking ESPN's bitch-slap of hockey as representative of its dwindling popularity, when really it's not. After all, this is the network that gave Lil' Wayne a blog. (Fucking ass bitch crap shit). All I know is, hockey deserves better. Perhaps someday soon we'll see its resurrection. I hope so, because I heard on the news that Russia is the worldwide leader in computer hacking, and anything that keeps those crazy pinko commie bastards away from my bank account is fine by me.

Now Watching: D2 - Mighty Ducks (I wish). Connie is hotter than Julie "The Cat" Gaffney.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

i heart the mighty ducks.