Denim Douche: I want to hunt a pig

Friday, October 3, 2008

I want to hunt a pig

Society has a lot of benefits. Government, the interstate highway system, the aqueducts, and so on and so forth. But don't you ever just wish that maybe, just maybe, society will crumble from the inside and we'll be forced to live in a postapocalyptic world, like Will Smith in I Am Legend minus the dark seekers and plus more people? I know I sure do.

I think that living in society dulls down our natural evolutionary traits. Did you know that I am genetically adapted to be able to hunt down a vicious, snarling warthog and roast it on a spittle? YEAH! What a thrill! What's so exciting about going to the grocery store and selecting the finest crop of chicken gizzards from the bunch! Hogswallop, I say.

Haven't you ever wanted to fashion a blade out of limestone? Maybe take on a mammoth in an effort to feed your whole tribe?

It doesn't hurt that back then, the chicks were like totally all about mating. Hey baby, it's for the good of our species. Bow chicka bow wow. Those were the days. Society has watered down our evolutionary instincts and this is my call for anarchy. Burn this mother down! To hell with institutions! SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!

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